Before proceeding to discuss the next event during the night of Isra and Mi’raj of Rasulullah it is necessary to mention that academically, the discussion of Isra’ Mi’raj is somewhat dilemma. Firstly, because the details of this event are recorded in many hadith narrations from at least twenty companions. In the book of Al-Bukhari alone, there are six companions who narrated this event with quite long narrations. Even most of the hadiths in the Meccan period talk about the Isra’ Mi’raj of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
The second thing that needs to be considered is that the hadiths that narrate the event of Isra’ Mi’raj have differences in their storytelling. Therefore, Muslim scholars then provide guidance that when there are differences in the narrative (storytelling) about the event, look for the most authentic (sahih) one. If both are equally authentic, then try to reconcile or interpret them in a way that can connect them.
One thing that is narrated differently by the Hadith is where the Prophet Muhammad was on the night when the event was about to occur? In one narration, it is mentioned that he was in Hatim (popularly known as Hijir Ismail today). However, in another narration, it is mentioned that he was in his house and in a state between sleep and wakefulness. Muslim scholars then reconciled the two hadiths. That on that night, the Prophet Muhammad was in his house and in a state of near sleep, then Jibril came and took him to Hatim (Hijir Ismail) to continue the process.
In fact, the two narrations do not contradict each other. It just needs reconciliation of interpretation. However, it must also be acknowledged that because the event of Isra’ Mi’raj is a very personal event for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and no third person was involved (only the Prophet Muhammad and Jibril), so the stories that reached the companions must have been received differently. However, all of that does not reduce the value of the authenticity of the event, because before talking about hadith, we are convinced by the verses of the Quran.
Jibril Split Open the Prophet’s Chest
The first thing Jibril did was to split open the Prophet’s chest. This splitting open was the second time, after the first splitting open when he was still being breastfed by his foster mother, Halimah As-Sa’diyah, in the village of Bani Sa’ad. Although there are stories of chest splitting in two other events, these two chest splittings are the most famous in Islamic history.
According to the narration, Jibril split open his chest and then washed it with Zamzam water. In another narration, Jibril split open his chest and then inserted faith into his heart. Muslim scholars then combined the interpretations of the two narrations. That indeed the Prophet’s heart was cleansed with Zamzam water and then filled with faith. Because faith will only occupy a pure heart.
This splitting open and cleansing of the chest (heart) certainly has a deep philosophical meaning. The most basic meaning is that Isra’ Mi’raj is a journey that is entirely related to purity. From a sacred place (Masjidil Haram in Mecca) to a sacred place (Masjidil Aqsa in Jerusalem). Then from the two holy cities to the high sacred place (Baetul Ma’muur) to meet the One Who is Most Holy (Al-Quddus).
Apart from that, Isra’ Mi’raj actually also illustrates the journey of human life which covers two aspects of it. The horizontal aspect which is symbolized by the journey from Mecca to Jerusalem. And the vertical aspect which is symbolized by the journey from Jerusalem to Sidratul Muntaha. The journey of life in its two aspects will not be accepted and blessed unless done with clean heart.
Therefore, the Quran outlines: “Successful is he who purifies (his heart)” (Al-A’la: 14).
The journey of human life to the final destination will also not be successful unless with a clean heart. Whatever form the journey takes, if not done with a healthy (pure) heart, it will be in vain. The Quran emphasizes: “On the day when neither wealth nor sons will be of any use, except for him who comes to Allah with a pure heart” (Al-Shu’ara: 88-89).
Even the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized that human life will be correct and healthy only when humans are able to take care of their hearts to always be healthy and pure. “Indeed, in the body there is a piece of flesh; if it is good, the whole body is good, but if it is corrupted, the whole body is corrupted. That is the heart” (hadith).
In essence, the Prophet Muhammad’s Isra’ Mi’raj is a sacred journey that illustrates the journey of human life in its entirety. It encompasses all aspects of human life, which, if lived correctly, will be understood as a journey from one mosque to another. Human life is, in fact, a journey from one form of obedience to another (mosque to mosque). From ritual obedience (mosque) to other forms of obedience that are also interpreted as mosques (places of obedience). From vertical journeys with various ritual worship to horizontal journeys with various worldly interactions.
All of these will only become good and accepted when based on a heart that is “saliim” (healthy and pure).
Indeed that is the meaning of the splitting open and cleansing of the Prophet Muhammad’s chest before he was taken by the One Who is Most Holy from a place of sanctity (mosque) to a place of sanctity (mosque) and then raised to the highest sanctity, Baetul Ma’muur, to meet the One Who is Most Holy (Al-Quddus).
In the reality of life, of course, we will not experience the splitting open of the chest to purify our hearts. However, the heart must always be kept in its purity through various paths that Allah has given us. One of them is to maintain prayer in maximum humility (khushu’). Humility in prayer is like performing heart surgery to cleanse it from the various impurities of life.
“Successful is he who purifies (his heart). And remembers his Lord and prays” (Al A’laa: 4-5). The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also conveyed: “The five daily prayers wipe away sins like a river flowing in front of one of your houses” (HR Muslim).
Remember, this journey of life will be in vain if the heart is still full of impurities. Cleanse it for the sake of safety in the journey of life towards the highest destination, the pleasure of Allah SWT. Because indeed, in the end, we will all return to the One Who is Most Holy: ‘Indeed, we belong to Allah and to Him we shall return!’ (Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un)“.
Jamaica Hills, January 28, 2025